177/366 | Good to be home

Er yeah, so I didn’t take any photos today other than those of my dog. I wish I did because it was quite a day!

We knew it was going to rain, based on the weather forecast we saw using the spotty non-3G connection on my iPhone. But since it wasn’t raining when we woke up, we made the decision to at least stick around for breakfast. As soon as we finished eating, it started raining. We packed up in a crazy hurry and took down tents, etc. Then it began to pour. Fortunately, we still had one of the two giant tarps that covered the communal area. We put all our stuff under that, and hovered under it trying to keep everything including ourselves dry.

It kept pouring. We unpacked some of our stuff, cooked lunch with the left-over food over a little gas grill, and played cards on top of a cooler box. And we waited. And waited.

Finally, we decided to make a run for it. The rain seemed lighter a bit. Fortunately, we had our canoe upside down, so no water was in it. As we pushed the loaded canoe out to the water, we noticed that it was no longer raining. And, the whole way back to the boathouse (about one hour of rowing), the beautiful sepia-tone sky was above us.